Weekly Announcements
The latest announcements for upcoming activities, events, and ways to be involved!
Thanksgiving Services
Our Thanksgiving Worship services will be held on Wednesday, November 27th. Our 10:30am service will be held at Immanuel Congregation (338 N. Eagle Street) and the 6:00pm service at Living Water.
Christmas Decorating: Friday, Nov. 29th
Willing to help decorate our church for Christmas? Please come on Friday, November 29th at 9:00am. We are in need of some men to put the Christmas tree up and get decorations down for the women to put out. We are looking for a few women to volunteer to help decorate. Please call the church office — 920-231-2815. With teamwork we can get it done!
Ladies' Advent Service: Sunday, Dec. 1st
Our annual Ladies' Advent Service will be held on Sunday, December 1st at 2:00pm. This year light refreshments will be provided. You do not need to bring anything except an open heart to hear the Advent message “THE KING SHALL COME”. All ladies are welcome to come enjoy a quiet time of Advent preparation.
Matching Gift
An anonymous donor has given a $25,000 Matching Gift to our Congregation. The areas for the gifts will be Family assistance, Tuition Assistance, Community Outreach, and Property Improvements. The
property improvements will assist for tv monitors in our classrooms, parking lot improvements, garage repairs and other items. All gifts need to be received by Thanksgiving, November 28th . Thank you for your prayerful support to this fund.
GLOW (God Loves Our Widows): Tuesday, Dec. 3rd
The GLOW (God Loves Our Widows) ladies lunch group will meet on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 12:30pm at Perkins, in a private room. All widows of the congregation are invited. Join us for a time of special friendships and fellowship. As a little holiday fun, we are asking each lady to bring 6 cookies with their name on, wrapped as a single package, for a gift exchange. But don't worry if you forgot to bring cookies, we'd still love to see you. We'll have extra packages on hand, so everyone can join in the fun. Please call the church office at 900-231-2815 to register. Thank you. Hope to see you there! May God bless your Thanksgiving gatherings and Christmas preparations.
Live Nativity at Martin Luther: Saturday, Dec. 7th
On Saturday, December 7th from 4:00 to 7:00pm Martin Luther Lutheran Church (1526 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh) invites you to tour their Live Nativity. To drive through the town please enter on Algoma Blvd. There is no charge to visit. If you choose to walk through the town, please park on Elmwood
Pre-K Sunday School
​Beginning on January 12th, we will be starting a new Pre-K Sunday School class for kids ages 3-5! This class will take place between our Sunday services, from 10:00am until 10:45am. We will have age appropriate Bible lessons, art activities, music and more! Parents are welcome to join the adult education hour or mingle with one another in the lobby with coffee. Every child enrolled will receive a Children’s Bible at the first class for you to read together at home. Postcards with more information can be found on the table near the office, and we encourage you to take one for yourself and share one with a friend. Please sign up using THIS LINK or by calling the office at (920)231-2815.
Fellowship Team
Beginning in January we would like to begin to have activities planned periodically throughout the year. If you are interested, please call the church office or contact Pastor Dorn.
Watch Services Online!
Each week our worship is recorded! Generally, the 9:00am Sunday services and select special services will be live streamed, and then available to be watched any time you'd like! Simply go to the "Services" section on our website, or to Living Water's Youtube channel at: www.youtube.com/@livingwaterlutheranchurch-1176.
Bible Class
Please join us in person or virtually at our Wednesday morning Bible Classes at 9:00am. CLICK HERE TO JOIN VIA ZOOM.
If you are unable to join us then, the same Bible Class is offered at Immanuel Congregation (338 N Eagle St, Oshkosh) on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am.